A Complete Guide to Long Term Care Insurance

A Complete Guide to Long Term Care Insurance

Even if you’re a perfectly healthy older adult at the present, nobody can anticipate what or when health issues might crop up in the future. For example, you’re more likely to experience a bone break as you get older which may limit your mobility and mean that you require more intensive day-to-day care.

A Complete Guide to Medigap Insurance Plans

A Complete Guide to Medigap Insurance Plans

Medicare—the federal health insurance program created in 1965—is available to those 65 and older regardless of income, medical history, or health status. Over 15% of the U.S. population relies upon this system for health security and as Baby Boomers turn 65, enrollment is expected to reach 64 million by 2020 and 80 million by 3030, according to AARP.

5 Common Retirement Challenges & Issues (And How to Prepare for Them)

5 Common Retirement Challenges & Issues (And How to Prepare for Them)

As you near retirement, you may feel anxious about leaving the workforce and relying on your ongoing retirement Income streams and savings to fund your basic necessities and lifestyle. Especially anxiety-inducing is the advice around what you should have saved for retirement: traditionally $1 million to $1.5 million. According to Gallup.com, 46% of retired Americans report they will not have enough money for retirement.

How Much Do I Need to Retire at 62?

How Much Do I Need to Retire at 62?

Many Americans have the life-long goal of a comfortable retirement, but don’t know how much it costs to retire or how much they should have saved by the time they leave the workforce. We’re committed to helping seniors live The GoodLife in Retirement, so click on a link below to read about these topics related to planning for your future.

Is Retirement Income Taxable? 5 Taxes on Retirement Income Explained

Is Retirement Income Taxable? 5 Taxes on Retirement Income Explained

Although you may no longer earn a traditional paycheck during retirement, you’re more than likely subject to income tax on the money that does come through the door. Failing to budget for state and federal retirement income taxes can cause headaches and stress, so it’s important that retirees learn about their financial obligations prior to owing penalties and late fees.

Help for Seniors

Help for Seniors

The vast majority of Americans are not prepared for retirement (not including those forced into retirement), with as many as 78% of people reporting they’re either “somewhat” or “extremely” concerned about having enough money to live out their retirement years in comfort.