Nicole Hendrickson

How Much Do I Need to Retire at 62?

How Much Do I Need to Retire? Many Americans have the life-long goal of a comfortable retirement, but many don’t know how much it costs to retire or how much they should have saved by the time they leave the workforce. Additionally, many Americans have become...

Help for Seniors

The vast majority of Americans are not prepared for retirement (not including those forced into retirement), with as many as 78% of people reporting they’re either “somewhat” or “extremely” concerned about having enough money to live out their retirement years in...

A Complete Guide to Reverse Mortgage Estate Planning

TABLE OF CONTENTS How do reverse mortgages affect estate planning? What is the purpose of estate planning? What does estate planning include? How do you qualify for low-income senior housing? Who handles my estate planning? If you’re like many homeowners who have...

What’s the Average Monthly Retirement Income in 2021?

Understanding Monthly Retirement Income Needs As you prepare for retirement, you may wonder if your savings are on track to maintain your quality of life while being able to pursue hobbies or travel with your increased leisure time. According to research by Boston...

Retirement Income Planning and Management Strategies

TABLE OF CONTENTS How much do I need to save? What should my retirement plan look like? How do I plan out my withdrawals? During your working years, it’s likely that you’ll receive earnings through a standard paycheck and, depending on your industry, occasional...

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