TABLE OF CONTENTS Overview of Reverse Mortgages Reverse Mortgage Costs Find Out Your Reverse Mortgage True Cost with GoodLife When planning your retirement, it’s important to set aside enough funds to last you through your golden years. If you’re worried the money...
Nicole Hendrickson
Reverse Mortgage Changes 2021: Updated Reverse Mortgage Rules
TABLE OF CONTENTS Changes in Reverse Mortgage 2019 Guidelines Changes in Reverse Mortgage Loan Limits for 2019 Changes in Principal Limit Factors on Reverse Mortgages for 2019 Changes in Reverse Mortgage Premiums for 2019 Home Equity Conversion Mortgages, also called...
HECM Counseling Requirements & Cost
TABLE OF CONTENTS Why do I need to go to a reverse mortgage counseling session before getting a reverse mortgage? How should I prepare for a reverse mortgage counseling session? What does reverse mortgage counseling cost? Who must attend a reverse mortgage counseling...
What Happens to a House with a Reverse Mortgage When the Owner Dies?
TABLE OF CONTENTS What Happens to a Reverse Mortgage after Death? Reverse Mortgage after Death of the Borrower: Spouse’s Responsibility Reverse Mortgage after Death of the Borrower: Heir’s Responsibility Rules on Loan Balance of Reverse Mortgage after Death Reverse...
Are Heirs Responsible for Reverse Mortgage Debt?
TABLE OF CONTENTS When does a reverse mortgage loan mature? What happens to a property with a reverse mortgage when the owner passes away? Are heirs responsible for the reverse mortgage debt? What is the timeline of events when a reverse mortgage loan becomes payable?...
Guide to Non Borrowing Spouse Protections in a Reverse Mortgage
TABLE OF CONTENTS What does non-borrowing spouse mean? What’s the difference between an eligible and ineligible non-borrowing spouse? Do you both have to be 62 for a reverse mortgage? Can a non-borrowing spouse be on the title? Can I still live in the home if my...
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