Nicole Hendrickson

How Long Will My Retirement Money Last?

Retirement is one of the most important things you can plan for in life, yet many adult Americans find themselves unprepared as they near the end of their career. Seniors often find themselves wondering how much they need to retire and how long those retirement...

How to Search for Unclaimed Retirement Benefits (And Find Them!)

TABLE OF CONTENTS Social Security benefits Previous employers’ retirement accounts Insurance benefits Other unclaimed sources of retirement funding Many seniors find planning for retirement difficult. While under ideal circumstances you might have saved money...

Current Reverse Mortgage Interest Rates (2020)

TABLE OF CONTENTS What is the interest rate on a reverse mortgage? What’s the difference between a fixed interest rate and a variable interest rate? What are other reverse mortgage costs? As you consider whether a reverse mortgage is right for your financial...

Retirement Asset Allocation for Retirees

TABLE OF CONTENTS What is asset allocation? What is an asset allocation strategy? What should my asset allocation be for my age? It’s wise for seniors to consider their asset allocation in retirement. This new chapter in life likely comes with a change in financial...

Paying for Senior Care: 5 Ways to Pay for Senior Living

TABLE OF CONTENTS Coverage through Medicare and Medicaid Private insurance coverage Investments and retirement savings Family & personal contributions Reverse mortgage benefits Takeaways As seniors progress through life, medical conditions may have them wondering...

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Reverse Mortgage Age Requirements

Reverse Mortgage Age Requirements

Reverse mortgages can be a great way to fund your retirement, whether as your primary form of retirement cash flow or as a supplement to retirement savings, Social Security, or pensions.  However, not everyone is eligible for a reverse mortgage, also known as a home...

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